The first question to ask yourself is what kind of financial professional are you looking for? What are your needs? Do you even know what those needs are? If not, you’re not alone. Start asking yourself the questions that keep you up at night. These are the types of questions that a financial planner can help you with.
I want to retire someday, how should I be preparing? I want to protect my family, what kind of insurance do I need?
I am trying to make sense of my companies benefit plan, but I just don’t understand.
The check I write for taxes annoys me, and I’d like to keep my amount owed to a minimum.
I know I should be investing my money, I just don’t know where to start!
Self Management– But what if you like managing your assets? You like tracking the market and making your own decisions? Do you want a second opinion or do you want ideas that you can review yourself and execute? Have you thought of investment newsletters? There are many around that will all tell you how smart they are and give you recommendations. There are some planners who might give you an occasional review and charge you by the hour to give your portfolio a review, they are harder to find but they do exist.There are firms that only manage 50 million that have a repeatable discipline and others that manage billions that still find other mangers to manage their clients assets. Neither is right or wrong, but you should have a comfort level in terms of what they are doing for you.